kannada serial



Gaalipata Serial

Gaalipata Serial on

Watch Etv kannada Gaalipata serials online, recently published full Gaalipata serial episodes on Friday 13 January 2017

Gaalipata on ETV Kannada Serial  Mon - Sat, 2.30 PM

About the show:
 This is a story of two women Pragna and Prayiksha.In several situation of life they have faced different kinds of problem how they overcome their problem is theme of the serial. There are certain other characters named Aditya, Anuradha, Tulsi , Sushila,Tara who make this drama more complicated. Here Anuradha is an actress.Aditya is also an actor. This show have completed its 1200th episode this year.
Watch it from Monday to Saturday 2.30 PM onwards only on ETV Kannada.


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