kannada serial

Life Super Guru

Life Super Guru on

Watch Kannada tv shows Life Super Guru serials online, recently published full Life Super Guru serial episodes on Friday 17 April 2015

About Shows
This show clearly charts out the liveliness of ten old people consisting of five men and five women and ten passionate young people, as five girls and five boys. The 20 participants are selected through auditions held all over Karnataka. The personality and character streak are the main criteria for the selections.
For the show, the twenty contestants are kept in a villa for the next three months and there, they will be asked to perform difficult, fun-filled and most importantly the tasks which will be life changing tasks which will get their attitude towards life. Later on the teams will be made to interchange and the young generation and old generation are put together to remove the generation gap between them. The main thing being the camera following them round the clock for twenty four hours and sometimes it puts the contestants in a vulnerable situation.
The host Guruprasad represents the senior group where as the host Yogesh is representative of the young group. The winner will get the cash prize of Rupees 10 lakhs.
Hosted by : Guruprasad and Yogesh
Starting Date : 17th November 2014
Show Time : 8.00 PM, Monday to Friday
Channel : Zee Kannada


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