marathi serial

Zhunj Marathmoli

Zhunj Marathmoli on

Watch Marathi shows Zhunj Marathmoli serials online, recently published full Zhunj Marathmoli serial episodes on Saturday 08 November 2014

About Shows
ETV Marathi\'s action packed game show Zhunj Marathmoli is a very famous show. Here 14 celebrities participates and do various kinds of work. Participants are actor-comedians Pandaharinath Kamble and Arti Solanki, choreographer Megha Sampat, actors Swapnil Rajshekhar Bhutkar and Vikram Gaikwad, performers Hemlata Bane and Satish Shivaji Dede, celebrity chef Parag Kanhere and singer-actor Tyagraj Khandilkar. Adding further drama, action and entertainment to the show will be Deepti Devi, Megha Dhade, Ruchi Savaran, Manisha Kelka and stylist-dancer Abhijit Thakur. Sreyas Talpare is the host of this reality show. This is the highest paid reality show among Marathi channels.
Show Time : 9.00 PM, Monday and Tuesday


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