About Shows
The show is an educational show, targeting the young students and elders as well. It consists of four rounds with two participants in each group. The participants are selected from the preliminary rounds conducted in various part of Tamil Nadu.
The first round is figuring the right words from the particular topics. The second round consist of jumbled words, the third round is Thirukural round, in which the right kural should be found out with the clues given. The fourth round is where the teams can guess as many words as possible with the given time.
The show is a big hit, especially among the younger generation and also with the elders, because of its concept. The show is considered an unique show. James Vasanthan presents it with ease and he encourages the students excellently. The episodes consisted of many popular actors and anchors of television as well, like FathimaBabu, Kuyili, Mohan, Nirmala Periyaswamy and many others.
This show is chosen as the best game show by Ananda Vikatan.
Hosted by : James Vasanthan
Show Time : Every Sunday 6.00 PM
Channel : Vijay TV