About Shows
This serial is a supernatural mythological thriller with vast fan following. The story happens in Uttar Pradesh where a boy named Rudra. He and his father attend Kumbhmela and there exists two different clans namely Naga clan and Garuda clan. The rift between the two leads in kidnapping his father by the miscreants. At a point of time even he experiences the bomb attack. One girl named Maya loves him. Since he is unaware of his supernatural powers, Rudra leads life as normal humans and when he grows up the supernatural powers come out of him. The serial is watched by the fans with thrill and horror. It has lots of mysteries and the fans eagerly waiteveryday to watch it. This serial is well received by the children too and they sit glues to the box. It is astonishing to see the success of this kind of serials in this modern age.
Director & Producer : Arvind Babbal
Starting Date : 15th December 2014
Show Time : 8.00 PM, Monday to Friday