About Shows
The story of this serial is different. It is a horror and comedy serial. The story revolves around a ghost family taking refuge in a deserted house in Goa. Yug is a poor fisherman who comes to dwell in that mansion. At first he was scared of the ghost family but eventually because of his soft nature and kind heart he becomes friend with the family and becomes one of the family member. The ghost family also has the aim of taking revenge of the murders of them. Yug helps them in solving that. Sophia who was also involved in solving the mystery fell in love with Yug. After finally finding the culprits and punishing them make the family attain peace.
The serial is a massive hit and the cinematography deserves appreciation for the brilliant location and shots.
Director : Rakesh Kumar
Writter : Mitali, Shipra Arora
Producer : Mitali Romit M. Ojha
Production : Ravi Ojha Productions
Starting Date : 31st August 2015
Show Time : 9.00 PM, Monday to Friday
Channel : Life OK