About Shows
The story is an unique story. It revolves around the family of Ahuja, who live in New Delhi and their day to day ordinary life which takes a sudden twist when they buy the first family car Maruti Alto 800. The car is not just a car for their family, but a character which helps to break away from the monotony of life. The main character is PiyaAhuja, a twenty five year old lady. She is an ideal house wife who does and tries many dishes and impresses her in laws. And at a point of time, the whole family comes forward and share her burden and avoid embarrassment to her.This serial also educates the fans about car safety, maintenance and road safety. This serial is a mega hit due to the extraordinary attempt to entertain the audience with different theme.
Director & Producer : Deepti Bhatnagar
Starting Date : 28th October 2015
Show Time : 7.30 PM, Monday to Friday