Hindi serial



Buddha Serial

Buddha Serial on
Starring: Sameer Dhamadhikari
Nigaar Khan, Kabir Bedi

Watch Zee tv Buddha serials online, recently published full Buddha serial episodes on Thursday 06 November 2014

About the show:

? ?This is a story of great prophet Gautam Buddha who was the son of King Sussdhodhon and queen Mahamaya. Buhdha born with 32 signs which leads to a savior of mankind. Siddhartha wondered about all things from social to physical and natural to manmade Siddhartha questions were not born out of the natural curiosity of a young boy about the world around, but of a deeply rational yet philosophical concern for the world that he saw around him, and his devastation was compounded in his youth when the wall of protection from seeing suffering that his father had built around him. Main Cast are Himanshu Soni, Kabir Bedi, Deepika Upadyay.
Show time : Every Sunday at 10 AM?


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