kannada serial



Saagara Sangama

Saagara Sangama on

Watch Zee kannada Saagara Sangama serials online, recently published full Saagara Sangama serial episodes on Tuesday 02 December 2014

About Shows
Saagara Sangama is a leading serial at Zee Kannada. This is the story of three individuals named Sathvik, Sanju and Sharvari. Shavari comes to Mysore with her sister Deepthi and Broher in law where she suppose to get married. But before married she realizes that she is not ready for it and she realizes that finding her father is more important than this. Sathvik is very disciplined who leaves next door of Shavri. He doesn't like Shavri's care free nature. He misunderstood her in various cases and story goes on.
Show Time : 8.30 PM, Monday to Saturday


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