Malayalam serial

Mounam Sammadham

Mounam Sammadham on
Starring: Barun Sobti, Sanaya Irani

Watch Asianet tv Mounam Sammadham serials online, recently published full Mounam Sammadham serial episodes on Tuesday 07 August 2018

About Shows
Mounam Sammadham is a story of a cute girl who met with a man with great attitude. After some incidents she fall in love with her but unable to reveal. His also fall in love with her. They got married. Soon after her marriage she reveal that he does not love her. Her mother in law tortured her with the permission of father in law she came back to her parents and claimed for divorce. She realized that he is not a bad person but situation makes him like that. Main leads are Barun Sobti and Sanaya Irani. Directed by Arshad khan and Lalit Mohan.You can watch it on Asianet Plus.
Show Time : 9.00 PM, Monday to Friday


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