About Shows
7 Rathrikal is a horror soap filled with mysteries and thrills. The story revolves around an ancient house named Ilanjikkal Tharavadu and it is in a place called Sairandhri Medu. The serial interestingly describes the sequence of events that happens in that house when a group of people come to spend few days there. The rest of the story narrates the experiences they undergo while they stay in that house. The haunted place makes the fans to watch the soap with goose bumps.
The soap is a huge hit and every episode is watched with interest and anxiety. The cinematography by Alappy Jose deserves applause for the talented work.
Director : L. M. Manoj
Story : Senthil Viswanath
Production : Sri Subramaniam Enterprises
Starting Date : 6th July 2015
Show Time : 10.30 PM, Monday to Friday