marathi serial




Kamla on
Starring: Akshar Kothari, Ashwini Kasar
Deepti Ketkar

Watch Colors marathi Kamla serials online, recently published full Kamla serial episodes on Tuesday 18 October 2016

About Shows
Kamla is different from the regular daily serials which focus on issues faced by the women. Kamla shows the life of the male lead Devashish and his wife Sharayu. Sharayu faces many problems that arise when Devashish decides to marry Kamla on the advice of his lawyer.
The serial mainly shows the story and life from Sharayu's point of life. The lady Kamla is the lead character in the serial. She raises her voice against the male dominated society. The journalist buys a woman for Eight thousand Rupees from the red light area of the village and he proves that the police and politicians are also involved in this business. This serial clearly shows the way how women are used and thrown away. The serial is a massive hit among the audience. The character Kamla is shown in a way that it receives the applause spontaneously.
It is a different serial from other serials, which concentrates on the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The soap is considered as an eye opener for many people in the society about the crimes and illegal activities happening in the society, that too against women. The characters have done their roles with ease and efficiency. The serial made the fans sit glued to the television and each and every one in the audience are able to see the other side of the society.
Directed by : Ajay Mayekar
Starting Date : 17th November 2014
Show Time : 9.00 PM, Monday to Saturday


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