marathi serial



Aamchya Gharaat Sunbai Jorat

Aamchya Gharaat Sunbai Jorat on

Watch Marathi shows Aamchya Gharaat Sunbai Jorat serials online, recently published full Aamchya Gharaat Sunbai Jorat serial episodes on Saturday 30 January 2016

About Shows
The show is an interesting game show comprising of two teams. Opening music itself is a huge hit with the music rendered by Narendra. Each team is headed by the wife or daughter in law of the family. The host first introduces them by giving the details about them like their marriage is arranged or a love marriage and about their work and kids.
The rounds are of various kinds like answering the questions, arranging the table collecting balls, making the room and so on. Which team does successfully within the time gets maximum scores and at the end the team with the maximum scores is announced as winner. The show is a family entertainer and the fans watch it with excitement. Participants including the children enjoy the show to the core with enthusiasm. This show is a massive hit among the audience and everyone wait eagerly every day to watch.
Hosted by : Mr. Prasad Oak
Show Time : 6.30 PM, Monday to Saturday
Channel : Colors Marathi


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