marathi serial



Dil Dosti Duniyadaari

Dil Dosti Duniyadaari on
Starring: AmeyWagh, Suvrat Joshi,Puja Thombre
Pushkaraj Chirputkar, Sakhi Gokhale

Watch Zee marathi Dil Dosti Duniyadaari serials online, recently published full Dil Dosti Duniyadaari serial episodes on Saturday 26 March 2016

About Shows
Dil Dosti Duniyadaari is a new serial on Zee Marathi which started its airing from March 2015. The plot is highly derieved from popular American sitcom 'Friends'. The story revolves around six friends living in Mumbai, leading a middle class life. The happenings in their day to day life and the fun generated out of them is dealt in a comical manner. This is the highest viewed Marathi serial in April 2015.
Director by : Vinod Lavekar
Producer by : Sanjay Jadhav
Starting Date : 9th March 2015
Show Time : 10.30 PM, Monday to Saturday


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