Bangla serial



Bibi Chowdhurani

Bibi Chowdhurani on

Watch Zee bangla Bibi Chowdhurani serials online, recently published full Bibi Chowdhurani serial episodes on Wednesday 03 December 2014

About Shows
Bibi Choudhurani is a story of a late teen girl named Bibi. Bibi is a compulsive liar. Her father is a politician. Once she goes to a rally by blocking road her mother had died as they could not reach the hospital. As Bibi's elder is marring with another guy and to rescue her elder sister she lied to her father about her sister. But she trapped on her own trap. Her father decided to get her married with that guy. She told him that she is an alcoholic, chain smoker but he taken this seriously and fall in love as he thought she is a pure girl. Watch it on Zee Bangla.
Show Time: 8.30 PM, Monday to Saturday


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