Bangla serial



Boyei Gyalo Serial

Boyei Gyalo Serial on

Watch Zee bangla Boyei Gyalo serials online, recently published full Boyei Gyalo serial episodes on Sunday 03 April 2016

About the show:

This is a story of the two family.They always compete and try to show down each other. Arjun is the son of a one family and Krishna is the daughter of other. Sister of Krishna and brother of Arjun fall in love with eachother and suddenly they caught red handed by Krishna and Arjun. They realized need to separate them.But later on they realized their mistake and started helping her.They made a deal with their family that they will stay in each other house and if their parents give them permission they will marry so their sister and brother can marry and then they will divorce. But they fall in love. Watch it Monday to Saturday 9. PM onwards.


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