Bangla serial



Bedeni Moluar Kotha Serial

Bedeni Moluar Kotha Serial on
Starring: Indrani Haldar, Tumpa Ghosh
Gourav, Adrija Auddy

Watch Zee bangla Bedeni Moluar Kotha serials online, recently published full Bedeni Moluar Kotha serial episodes on Wednesday 26 October 2016

About Shows
This serial is different from the other soaps due to its story line which is unique.
The story revolves around a nomadic tribe named Bedes and a royal family from Surji Nagar. The enimity has risen between the two and continues for many years. The daughter of the tribal chief is Moula and is taught by her family to hate the royal family. And the son of the royal family Raja Vikram was given instructions from his family to stay away from the tribes. But eventually the two are attracted towards each other and they start liking. The rest of the story is about them winning the families. The story is woven in a beautiful way that it attracts the fans aduntantly. The fans wish the best for the lovers while watching their love.The actors and actresses have done justice to the roles by playing it with ease and efficiency. The soap is a massive hit.
Director : Gopal
Production : Raj Chakraborty Production House
Starting Date : 15th February 2016
Show Time : 8.00 PM, Monday to Saturday
Channel : Zee Bangla


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