Hindi serial



Family Antakshari

Family Antakshari on

Watch Hindi shows Family Antakshari serials online, recently published full Family Antakshari serial episodes on Saturday 14 January 2017

About Shows
Family Antakshari is a joyful ride for the total family starting from grand sons to grand parents participating in the show. This show encourages the positives of a joint family in a great manner. The participating family is made very busy by the hosts and special chaired person Annu Kapoor making them involved in multiple interactive rounds, buzzer rounds, singing rounds, dancing rounds, etc. This type of different show is not seen in any of the tv shows so far and the audiences also never move during this show.
Hosted by : Sugandha Mishra and Mantra
Producers : Saaibaba productions
Show Time : 8.00 PM, Saturday and Sunday
Starting Date : 27th September 2014
Channel : SAB TV


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