Hindi serial



V Distraction

V Distraction on

Watch Hindi shows V Distraction serials online, recently published full V Distraction serial episodes on Saturday 14 January 2017

About Shows
This show is of the same concept of a television show in UK, named Distraction which was hosted there by the comedian Jimmy Car. In V Distraction, the participants have to answer the questions asked while they are distracted in many ways by the host in many ways which may be painful and humiliating at times. It is craziest and hilarious at times.
The contestants are selected by strict audtions and the main rule is that the contestants must be of age eighteen and above. They have to undergo different challenges during auditions like biscuit challenge, pencil challenge and elbow challenge. Some examples of the distractions are, like when the contestants are tied by rubber bands in faces they are asked serious questions, in an episode the participant was asked if he was caught by his parents while watching porn movies, for which he agreed saying that he forgot to lock his room while watching, which made everyone laugh. These are few examples of the distractions. The show is a very big hit among the fans.
Hosted by : Rithvik Dhanjani
Starting Date : 9th March 2015
Show Time : 5.30 PM, Monday to Friday
Channel : Channel V


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