marathi serial

Mazhe Pati Saubhagyavati Serial

Mazhe Pati Saubhagyavati Serial on
Starring: Vaibhav Mangale, Nandita Dhuri
Ashok Shinde, Ramesh Bhatkar, Uday

Watch Zee marathi Mazhe Pati Saubhagyavati serials online, recently published full Mazhe Pati Saubhagyavati serial episodes on Sunday 16 October 2016

About Shows
The serial with its pleasant title song has captured the hearts of many fans. The main theme of the story is, hard work wins the race. When we work hard and reap the rewards, destiny will knock with lots of surprises. This is the base in this serial. The story revolves around Vaibhav and his wife Lakshmi, who migrated to Mumbai fifteen years ago with aim of becoming an actor. After facing many hurdles, he reaches a stage where his will power begins to crumble. But he gets one last chance to prove his talents and start his career, which will give himself and his wife a better life.
The rest of the story focuses on his hard work. The serial makes the audience pray for his better living and success.
The soap has become one among the favourite soaps of the fans and is a huge hit.
Director : Mandar Devasthali
Production : Altra Creations
Starting Date : 28th September 2015
Show Time : 8.30 PM, Monday to Saturday


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