About Shows
The story of this soap is a family genre. It revolves around a family which is very influential in a small town Konkan-Sawantvaadi. The Naik family consists of three sons and a daughter.The eldest son stays in Munbai with his wife and son.The second son is married to Sarita and stays in the village and looks after the properties. The youngest son is a bachelor.The daughter Chaya is a widow and is dependent on this family. The family while celebrating the engagement of the youngest son faces a tragedy. The Naik family head dies of heart attack. According to his will, the properties have to be divided into six parts. This brings a big problem in the family. The rest of the story is about the issues and the way they conclude those.
The soap with a story which resembles many families in our society has made the serial a success.
Director : Raju Sawant
Starting Date : 22nd February 2016
Show Time : 10.30 PM, Monday to Saturday
Channel : Zee Marathi