Telugu serial

Geethanjali Serial

Geethanjali Serial on
Starring: Srinivasa Reddy, Kalpana
Sreevani, Nagarjuna,Shailaja Priya

Watch Zee telugu Geethanjali serials online, recently published full Geethanjali serial episodes on Wednesday 26 October 2016

About Shows
The story is about the twin sisters named Geetha and Anjali. Geetha is elder by few minutes. She is an adamant and dominating character. She tries to control the house and all the Anjali's activities. Anjali suffers in her hand. The story takes a twist when both the sisters love the same man Arjun. Arjun loves only Anjali. Due to the fear about Geetha's torture and Wickedness, they marry secretly. But eventually Geetha comes to know this and commits suicide.but even troubles them after her death by various ways. The rest of the story is about how Anjali and Arjun get rid of all the troubles.
The soap with its story which is different from all other soaps, has earned an enormous fans within the brief period of its telecast. The fans watch the serial with thrills and anxiety and consider the characters as their own family.
Director : Raj Kiran
Production : Annapurna studios
Starting Date : 6th July 2015
Show Time : 10.30 PM, Monday to Friday


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