Telugu serial



Manasu Mamatha

Manasu Mamatha on
Starring: Anil, Vikas, Krishna Reddy
Hariteja, Hema Sri

Watch Etv Manasu Mamatha serials online, recently published full Manasu Mamatha serial episodes on Sunday 27 January 2019

About the serial :

Manasu Matha is celebrated its 1000th episode. This story contains all spice of a family drama. Two persons,one is a millionaire another one is driver of his car. Both are good friends indeed. Both of their wife got pregnant in same time and they have delivered in same time. But here the twist begin. Wife of the millionaire gives birth a dead child and the driver's wife gives a twin. These two friends have decided that one of the driver's child will be consider as a millionaire child. Their wives also do not have any knowledge about this secret incidents. Two sisters taken birth in the same time but their luck reached them into an entire different financial status. Eventually they grown up and the story goes on.
Serial Timing is Monday to Saturday at 7.30PM


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