Telugu serial



Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki

Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki on

Watch Telugu shows Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki serials online, recently published full Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki serial episodes on Wednesday 28 September 2016

About Shows
This show is exclusively for women and an aspirational show for them which provide them an opportunity to exhibit and prove their talents. The show improves confidence for women and tickles their emotional and their sense of achievement. Every episode has four participants and has four rounds. Every round id very interesting and has fun and excitement. Different games are played, the participants have a chance to show theirdancing skills and also information regarding the costumes are included in this show.
The show is well received and is one among the favourite television shows in Telugu small screen. Women get a good platform to show their skills and get themselves well deserved rejuvenation. The participants are of different age groups from students, homemakers and career oriented women. The hostess Shyamala does her job with enthusiasm and is full of energy. She dances well and makes the contestants too join her energetically. Lakshmi Raave Maa Intike is a huge hit among female fans.
Hosted by : Shyamala
Show Time : 3.30 PM, Monday to Friday
Starting Date : 18th May 2015
Channel : Zee Telugu


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