Telugu serial



Goranta Deepam Serial

Goranta Deepam Serial on

Watch Zee telugu Goranta Deepam serials online, recently published full Goranta Deepam serial episodes on Wednesday 24 February 2016

About the show:

From the production of Vara Mullapudi, in the direction of V.V.Varajaneyulu Goranta Deepam will complete its 35th episode in this month. Paddu is a bright girl. Who born in a poor family and tries to continue study to support her family. But like all other poor  family she forced to marry in a traditional way. In her husband's house she faced few problems. Her mother in law initially wasn't happy with her. But she managed all problems. This is a perfect combination of Modern young age and the tradition of society. Zee Telugu telecast it 7 PM from Monday to Friday.
Produced by : Vara Mullapudi
Directed by : V.V.Varanjaneyulu



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