Telugu serial



Nenu Aayana Aaruguru Attalu

Nenu Aayana Aaruguru Attalu on

Watch Zee telugu Nenu Aayana Aaruguru Attalu serials online, recently published full Nenu Aayana Aaruguru Attalu serial episodes on Friday 07 November 2014

About the show :

Nenu aayana Aaruguru attalu is a story of an woman who get ?through a surprise marriage with a person with completely different mentality. When she reaches her husband house she realized that she have to carry on with six mother in laws. They are well organized and responsible. Anashuya the leading female character of the serial always tries to meet their level but she failed all the time her husband Chakri tries to back her but due to the opposite mentality sometime its getting tougher to maintain. How she manages all of them is the best part of the story. You can watch this on Zee Telugu 6 PM onwards, Monday to Saturday.


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