Tamil serial

Indira Serial

Indira Serial on
Starring: Jigyasa Singh, Manish Goplani
Ankit Bhatla, Jaya Bhattacharya

Watch Raj tv Indira serials online, recently published full Indira serial episodes on Tuesday 20 June 2017

About Shows
This serial is one more to the list of the dubbed serials which were appreciated by the fans and the serial Indira has become an instant hit.
The story is about the bond between the two people Bihan and Thapki. Thapki becomes a Maid for earning and livelihood but Bihan is not aware about this. To prevent him about knowing the truth, Thapki sends him out every day. In this story other characters involved are Shradda, Dhruv and Thappan. When Shraddha throws a party on Valentine's day they lay a trap to catch Bihan. But Thapki comes to rescue him. The story is a different one for the fans of Tamil television. It is different from the stereo type stories shown in the channels. The serial depicts the life of Bihan and Thapki and shows their love hate relationships. It clearly depicts the way how they eventually love and get married. As a twist of the story they get divorced too due to some rift among the families. The soap has captured the fans and the heroine Indira is shown as a brave courageous lady whois known as the bold and beautiful.
Writter : Ved Raj Shrivastava, Dheeraj Sarna
Producer : Shoonya Square
Production : SOL Productions
Starting Date : 15th February 2016
Show Time : 9 PM, Monday to Saturday
Channel : Raj TV


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