Telugu serial

Naa Peru Meenakshi Serial

Naa Peru Meenakshi Serial on
Starring: Vicky, Moorthy, Ananth, Lakshmi
Anusha Sharma, Chitra Lekha

Watch Etv Naa Peru Meenakshi serials online, recently published full Naa Peru Meenakshi serial episodes on Tuesday 04 December 2018

About Shows
Naa Peru Meenakshi was launched on 26 January, 2015. Its a lovely romantic comedy drama. Meenakshi is an innocent, kind hearted girl, who tries to maintain good relation with every one through her helping nature and kind gesture. Unexpected twists takes place in her life and lead to sudden marriage of her's and further consequences form the rest of the plot.
Directed By : C.Jerold
Produced By : Prasad Devineni, Shobu Yarlagadda
Starting Date : 26th January 2015
Show Time : 8.30 PM, Monday to Saturday


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