Telugu serial



Naatu Vaidhyam

Naatu Vaidhyam on

Watch Telugu shows Naatu Vaidhyam serials online, recently published full Naatu Vaidhyam serial episodes on Thursday 05 January 2017

About Shows
NaatuVaidhyam which is aired in Gemini Tv is one more of the shows which explains the importance of well- being and remaining healthy. The show is presented by Dr. SakthiSubramaniam and is well received by the fans of Gemini Tv. Each and every episode shows different kinds of food prepared with natural ingredients and also with various herbs, fruits, vegetables and sprouts.
SakthiSubramaniam explains the health benefits of the ingredients which make the audience get clear view about those. For example, the health benefits of papaya, mint, coriander, radish, sprouts and various herbs are amazing to hear and watch.
All the dishes and medicinal recipes are well explained and are worth cooking and eating. The show is a huge hit and also it is known from a survey that many fans insist for the repeated telecast of the episodes.
Show Time : 8.30 AM, Monday to Friday
Channel : Gemini TV


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