Telugu serial



America Ammayi Serial

America Ammayi Serial on
Starring: Pallavi, Sreesha, Shailaja
Sravani, Ramesh, Sapatagiri

Watch Zee telugu America Ammayi serials online, recently published full America Ammayi serial episodes on Wednesday 27 June 2018

About Shows
The soap even though with the ordinary story line like any other serials of Telugu, has captured the hearts of many fans because of its brilliant direction and screen play. The story revolves around a girl who enters the family of her mother, who is abandoned by her own family for marrying a foreigner. The mother during her last days wants her daughter to reunite with the family. The girl who comes to India for that reasons eventually end up marrying a groom from her native, which brings a twist to the story. The actors and actresses have done justice to the roles they played. They all have done their part with dedication and with ease.
The serial is a huge success among the audience.
Director : Krishna
Starting Date : 27th July 2015
Show Time : 7.00 PM, Monday to Friday


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