Tamil serial



Doctor Doctor

Doctor Doctor on

Watch Shows Doctor Doctor serials online, recently published full Doctor Doctor serial episodes on Monday 18 April 2016

About Shows
The show is a huge hit among the fans of Star Vijay. Host Dhanasekar interacts with the participants with ease and puts them at ease. Each and every episode has discussion and remedy about various diseases and the ways of prevention of those. When one episode has discussion with ENT specialists, the other has a panel of doctors for heart diseases and another episode discussion with diabeticians takes place. The doctors panel answers all the questions with patience and the fans are given clear explanations about the doubts and confusions.
Many households every Saturdays look forward for this show and hence it has become a massive hit.
Hosted by : Dr Dhanasekhar Kesavelu
Show Time : 1.00 PM, Every Saturday
Channel : Vijay TV


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